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New Pudding Mill Lane Station

3rd April 2014
Pudding Mill Lane Publicity

Pudding Mill Lane Publicity

The new Pudding Mill Station is being built just about alongside and in full view of the old one. Publicity on the network proudly boasts it as being the largest of all the DLR stations – and it is going to be.

Built inside a large box structure, it’s expected to be a station that people will use to come to the new Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park a lot, which opens this weekend.

All the tracks are in place, except for where they join the existing line, and that’s what the 10 day closure is all about – putting those tracks in place and getting all the computer signalling working.  It’s going to be an impressive station once done, and the last new TfL owned station that’s going to be opened for a while.

New Pudding Mill Lane Station

New Pudding Mill Lane Station

Farewell, Pudding Mill Lane

2nd April 2014

The original Pudding Mill Lane – a windswept island platform with single staircase and lift – is closing on Thursday 17th April.

Pudding Mill Lane

Pudding Mill Lane

That’s because a new Pudding Mill Lane station is opening 200 metres to the east, as the original station is slap bang in the middle of where some major Crossrail works need to be, so they’ve had to move the station – by building a completely new station.

The new Pudding Mill Lane will open on the 28th April, meaning that for 10 days, there will be no DLR services on this branch between Poplar and Stratford.   But before then, get down to the old PML station to see it before it goes …

Pudding Mill Lane

Pudding Mill Lane


Over Rated

1st April 2014

We spotted this on the Central Line at White City recently – at the western end (front of the train) of the westbound platform.

It’s a flower box, with stickers celebrating 150 years of the Underground, and for reasons that we can’t fathom – the Bakerloo and Circle Lines, and one for the Overground too.

But we like the two roundels in the bottom left of the photo best, where the Overground is called ‘Over Rated‘ and the tube coloured one ‘Under Rated‘.  Someone at White City doesn’t think the Overground is that great, huh?

Not a fan of the Overground

Not a fan of the Overground

The best place to board the train …

31st March 2014

Something that Station Master is all about is telling you the perfect carriage and door position to be in to be near the exit – and yet it’s something that we’ve never seen or heard TfL do, until now – when we came across this very friendly member of platform staff at Leicester Square the other night.

“Please DO move down the platform – it really is less crowded if you don’t all go in the middle of the train, you won’t be squashed in like a sardine, and you might even get a seat!” he was cheerfully announcing every few minutes.

Leicester Square Platform Staff

Leicester Square Platform Staff

And then he did something that we’ve never heard before – advise on the best carriage positions.

“Actually, if you’re going to Waterloo” he continued “You’ll want to be in the rear car of this six carriage train as that’s the nearest exit point to the escalator” he cheerful announced. Amazing! Never have we heard a member of staff do this before, and now here it was – happening.

It was clearly a ruse just to stop overcrowding of the middle of the Leicester Square platforms, oh – and either the front or rear carriages is the place to be for the southbound Northern Line at Waterloo.



30th March 2014
Abbey Road Sign

Abbey Road Sign

When Abbey Road station first opened and we went down there (to make a video) one of the first observations we made was of course that you might get tourists going there thinking it’s where the famous Beatles’ Abbey Road recording studio is located – looking for the zebra crossing to replicate the famous album cover.

But it’s not – and so to help and point this out, TfL have installed a sign laden with Beatles song titles, to put people back on the train to the Jubilee Line and get them to St. John’s Wood – the nearest tube station to the famous Abbey Road crossing.

Last night, we were passing through and couldn’t resist jumping out to grab a photo of the sign.


A to Z

29th March 2014

This weekend’s alternative tube map comes courtesy of artist Tim Fishlock who has created this piece for the ‘Mind the Map’ exhibition for the London Transport Museum.

It’s been doing the rounds on Twitter for a while, so thought it was about time that we featured it here.

A to Z Mind the Map

A to Z Mind the Map


















Borough Mapping

28th March 2014

A man that we follow on Twitter just to see what map he’ll produce next is Mike Hall.

Mike’s a freelance designer and has been painstakingly creating large poster maps of each of the London boroughs – all by hand.  Each map has a different design and theme, drawing on the most famous aspects of the borough, but of course what we really love about them is how the railways are perfectly drawn and the tube stations accurately shown.

Mike Hall Map

Mike Hall Map

More maps of London are over on this website, you can even buy them to have as physical poster from his online shop.


Labyrinth Update

27th March 2014

With new labyrinths appearing at Uxbridge and Ruislip, we thought it was about time that we went out again and spotted a few more – which we did so this week, bringing our total up to 225 out of 270 found.  Not that they’re actually still all up yet!

But our complete list can be found here (including locations within the station) of where they are.  If you want to help us get the last few and spot/take the last few for us then do send us a tweet and get in touch!

North Harrow Labyrinth

North Harrow Labyrinth

Whitechapel in 3D

26th March 2014

We’re pretty sure that any day now there are going to be some changes to Whitechapel station – perhaps even with a temporary entrance/exit as the Crossrail works here really start to kick in and the station changes forever.

But, as we wanted a record of what it’s like now before it changes, we thought we’d better nip down and draw it out in in 3D – it’s just one of the last seven stations that we’ve got to do now before all 270 tube maps are drawn out in 3D.  Expect this in the next update of the App!

Whitechapel 3D Map

Whitechapel 3D Map

Broken Wine

25th March 2014

So what would you do if you were travelling home on the District Line with a bag of goodies in your lap, and then a bottle of red wine that was in that bag accidentally dropped and smashed on the floor causing a huge mess.  You’d help clear it up, right?

Not in the case of this woman last week when going home who just sat there .. and did nothing. No reaction, nothing said. And we were just about to get up and do something when two other gentlemen from further down the carriage came along, cleared the glass to one side and put down newspaper to mop up the spillage.

Spilled Wine

Spilled Wine

And all the time, the woman – here in the picture – just sat, and watched and DID nothing, and SAID nothing! It was surreal to see.

Just sit there and do nothing luv, well done.

Just sit there and do nothing luv, well done.

We made the driver aware, and full marks to him he got the Station Supervisor a few stops down the line at South Kensington to come down with a dustpan and brush, sweep up the glass, and again the woman said NOTHING.  Not a “Sorry, that was me”, or a “Let me help you with that”. But, nothing … so so strange.