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Electrical Diagram

The great story of the tube map is that Harry (Henry) Beck working as an electrical draughtsman based the design of the tube map on an electric circuit diagram.

Dig a little deeper into the history though, and this ‘fact’ is debunked, but something that certainly did happen is that Beck had a little fun by reversing this around, and drawing a Tube Map in an electrical-diagram style.

We stumbled across this yesterday on the marvellous Map : Graphical Approach website, which has got lots of hi-resolution diagrams of the tube map which are worth clicking on and having a look at, including this wiring-diagram one …

Electrical Tube Map

Electrical Tube Map

04 Sep 14

Old map revealed at Embankment

lcmap2With the escalator works taking place at Embankment station at the moment, during the installation of what looks like a new electrical box, workmen stumbled across an old map, hidden behind the white panelling that makes up the walls.

It’s on the eastbound platform of the District/Circle Line and is partially obscured by a mesh that covers it, but you can still clearly see a map from, well, what year?

Old Map at Embankmet

Old Map at Embankmet

“Get to know your London Connections!” says the map, with all the tube lines in their normal colours and every other railway in Overground orange!

But this is before the Overground, that’s not there; and the DLR is not there either so it must be pre-1987!

lcmap4lcmap5Look closer for more clues, and you’ll see that Broad Street is marked on the map – right next to Liverpool Street – which dates it to before 1986 when that closed.  Then, we spotted Stepney East railway station! That is what we now know as Limehouse Station and was called that up until 1987.

The ‘escalator link’ between Bank and Monument is shown, and the North London line too carries on past Stratford down to Woolwich … all great memories of what London used to look like.

lcmap3The biggest give-away clue is that that Heathrow Terminal 4 on the map was shown as being ‘Under Construction’. It opened in April 1986.

We did some research and found that the map was produced by Cooper Thirkell and that the release of this map coincided with the Greater London Concil’s  introduction of the Capitalcard – which later became renamed the Travelcard.

But overall it makes us wonder – all those station with modern white undecorated fascias, what other tiles and old maps linger behind them, untouched for many many years … ?

01 Sep 14

A trip on the Underground

Way before Sherlock had a ‘tube montage’ in one of its episodes – there was this. A Trip on the Underground.

Created by Alex Thompson years before an episode of Sherlock featured something very similar, he describes it as ‘A trip on the underground that gets weirder and weirder, focusing on the graphics, design and movement often missed on the Tube. It’s seamlessly cut in rhythm with the music for compelling viewing you’ll want to see again and again. See the underground like never before.’

26 Aug 14

Closed at South Ken

Closed sign

Closed sign

Our favourite station to avoid (due the thousands of tourists who dither in front of the barrier gates daily) has a couple of redeeming features about it – our favourite being the information office at the eastern end of the sub-surface platforms.

The best thing about them is that they had two computer monitors up in the windows of an internal-tracking system that showed exactly where the next few trains were on the system, how many minutes they were away, and messages such as ‘Approaching … now’ so you could get a real sense of where/when the next trains were.

Closed Office

Closed Office

So we were disappointed to see last week that it’s now been closed with a sign telling you to go up to the ticket office area instead – which is shame. It’s very helpful (especially at an extremely busy tourist station at South Ken) to have staff to talk to! Yet another demise of something useful on the Underground.

31 Jul 14

New choob

It’s been online for ages, but I don’t think we’ve ever embedded the video to it here on the Station Master blog, so in case you haven’t seen it – is this the future of tube travel?

24 Jul 14

Two Bakerloo Extensions

Bakerloo Line to Camberwell? It’s been talked about for years – going back to the 1930’s. But an intriguing article by the London SE1 community website quoted Boris Johnson as saying “Standby for amazing news” with descriptions of two routes – one down to Camberwell, but another down to Peckham.

We knocked together a quick altered tube map to envisage what it might look like.

Possible Bakerloo Extension

Possible Bakerloo Extension

23 Jul 14

More Rezoning

After the possibility of the new Northern Line stations being in Zone 1, it was revealed by TfL yesterday that the three Stratford stations (Stratford, Stratford High Street and Stratford Non-International) would be moved from Zone 3 to become boundary Zone 2/3 instead meaning small savings for anyone travelling between Zone 1 and these stations.

Diamond Geezer has the full comprehensive breakdown here, but for us it’s a chance to have a look at the topological zone map again, to see yet another ‘bump’ created on the map of where the zones really lie topologically speaking. And it’s quite ugly…

How it looks now ...

How it looks now …

How it will look in 2016 ...

How it will look in 2016 …

22 Jul 14

New to Zone 1?

Station Master Geoff, you may recall, drew this map for Londonist a while back which shows the real geographical boundaries where the zones are in London.

In a discussion we were having over the weekend though, it transpires that the two new planned Northern Line stations at Nine Elms and Battersea may be placed into the Zone 1 area – a bit like how Shoreditch High Street was shoehorned into Zone 1, even though it should have been in Zone 2.

Northern Line extension

Northern Line extension

So here’s how the ‘zone map’ would look distorted if that were the case, with a large ‘bump’ of Zone 1 white stretching south to accommodate the two new stations … if it were to happen.

Nine Elms and Battersea in Zone 1

Nine Elms and Battersea in Zone 1



21 Jul 14

Three Wi-Fi

Network provider Three have announced that they are joining the ‘Wi-Fi on the underground’ party!, and that in the coming weeks those on the their network can also get free Wi-Fi at Underground stations.

Three WiFi

Three WiFi

Full announcement here.

18 Jul 14

Preferred bidder for Northern Line extension

A tweet doing the rounds last night pointed us in the direction of the Construction Enquirer website, which was running the story that a preferred bidder for the Northern Line extension had been announced.

The project is still awaiting approval from the government’s Transport Secretary, but assuming it gets the nod (as is expected) construction is due to start early next year.

Full story on their website here.

Northern Line Extension

Northern Line Extension


15 Jul 14