So what would you do if you were travelling home on the District Line with a bag of goodies in your lap, and then a bottle of red wine that was in that bag accidentally dropped and smashed on the floor causing a huge mess. You’d help clear it up, right?
Not in the case of this woman last week when going home who just sat there .. and did nothing. No reaction, nothing said. And we were just about to get up and do something when two other gentlemen from further down the carriage came along, cleared the glass to one side and put down newspaper to mop up the spillage.

Spilled Wine
And all the time, the woman – here in the picture – just sat, and watched and DID nothing, and SAID nothing! It was surreal to see.

Just sit there and do nothing luv, well done.
We made the driver aware, and full marks to him he got the Station Supervisor a few stops down the line at South Kensington to come down with a dustpan and brush, sweep up the glass, and again the woman said NOTHING. Not a “Sorry, that was me”, or a “Let me help you with that”. But, nothing … so so strange.