We’ve known about this for a while but have only just got down there this week to look at this – the terminating platform at Putney Bridge has been removed, with that track now being the ‘through’ line, and the curved outside track where trains used to call has now been disconnected and presumably soon will be removed altogether.
Here’s the ‘island’ platform at the northern end looking towards Earls Court, through trains now come through on the track of the left of the island, and (for reasons unknown) a green fence has been put along the right hand side where the through platform used to be but is now no longer in use.

We were told that this might actually speed up journey times heading south from Earls Court to Wimbledon by a minute, as the track is now straight and so they can now approach faster and not have to slow down for the curve. However, when we were there it looks as if the old speed restriction was in place and drivers are having to adhere to it as they are still coming into the platform slowly, and so a new higher speed limit has yet to be implemented. This should make your journey a teeny bit quicker though, yes!

So platform 3 (above) is now no longer in use. Platform 2 (what used to be the terminating platform) is now the through southbound, and with it goes a charming old Platform 3 sign which appears to have been removed, even though it would have done no harm to leave a lovely old pieces of heritage there in place. Shame.
3D Map to be updated in Station Master App in the next update, as the southbound door exit position is also slightly different now!