It’s rush hour. There are loads of people on the train, and you really want a seat when you get on that train. But you’ve been told to let people off the train first – and when that seldom happens – there is a pattern that forms that commuters make.
EVERYONE hogs around the door leaving a thin channel ‘one person wide’ to let people off the train, in single file – like this:
But there is a better way. What if, everyone gave MORE space to people getting off of the train – say, enough to let more than one person off at a time. People would get off the train faster, and those waiting to get on would then be able to board sooner.
It’s never going to happen obviously, because you’ve still got the complete arseholes that push their way onto a train immediately without waiting for others to get off first, so if we can’t even master that basic rule, we’re never going to be able to get to grips with something more advanced like this.
(Part inspired by Brendan Neslon – How to get a seat on an Overground train)