Time for a Labyrinth update again as we were out on the network last week, doing some bashing and picked up a few Labyrinths on the way (Ickenham is Hard, South Kensington is particularly evil).
We note though that the official Art on the Underground website, still hasn’t added a few that do exist (e.g. Russell Square), but we’re quite excited because we’ve now got up to 205 – the first time we’ve been two hundred and something, meaning that we’re on the home straight.
The distinctly non-LU stations of Heathrow 5, Richmond and Wimbledon though are still being stubborn, and I suspect will be the last stations to have their labyrinths installed.
Anyway, here’s Geoff’s list if you’re having trouble finding any, or if you think you’ve spotted any that you want to tell us about then tweet us at @stnmasterapp